Kali Linux is one of the best security packages of an ethical hacker, containing a set of tools divided by the categories. It is an open source and its official webpage is https://www.kali.org.
Generally, Kali Linux can be installed in a machine as an Operating System, as a virtual machine . Installing Kali Linux is a practical option as it provides more options to work and combine the tools. You can also create a live boot CD or USB. All this can be found in the following link: https://www.kali.org/downloads/
BackTrack was the old version of Kali Linux distribution. The latest release is Kali 2018.1 and it is updated very often.
To install Kali Linux −
First, we will download the Virtual box or Vmware workstation and install it.
Later, we will download and install Kali Linux distribution.
Instead of downloading the images file you all can download that ova file extension . The benefits of it is that you do not have to install it. What you have to do is to just import it and run. No problem arises at all.
If you face any problem during any step jus email me on shivamsingh752@yahoo.in.
The default username and password of the Kali Os is root and toor.
After opening the Kali machine first of all you should update it with the command in terminal apt-get update . This command will update your repository.
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