*trending industrial technologies*
Ripened flowers have started to emanate fragrance now. Similarly,we all will agree with the fact that digital revolution has led to innumerable innovations in technology now. Some key trends that are creating a buzz throughout are -
1. *Blockchain*- It offers robust security to protect business transactions.
It is use in auditing,stock trading,smart contracts,information sharing etc
2. *Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)*- It offers improvement in overall business intelligence. It is used in start-ups to large scale enterprises and companies.
4. *Conversational interface and design*- It offers integrated experiences. It is used as personal assistant,customer service executive.
5. *Robotic process automation (ROP)* - It offers overall manufacturing and telecommunications of a company. It is used in field such as medical,food and beverage and act as a benefactor to millions differently-able-persons also.
6. *Augmented reality and virtual reality*- It offers in creating visual experiences. It is used to create fake models and helps in health care too.
Industrial technologies in trend
With the fast Changing world in which we live, we have everything at our fingertips . We expect more from technology each day and we don't really realize how easily we are incorporating them in our day to day lives. The industrial technologies which are trending in 2019 are listed below.
Artificial intelligence
It is incorporating all the human intelligence in computers and expecting them to work as humans. It is basically expecting the machines to do all our tasks more efficiently. The need of AI is felt not only in the fields of industries but medicine, education etc. The major examples are Siri, Tesla and Alexa..
2. IOT
It is also known as internet of everything wheere in devices are connected to each other through internet and enables to transfer data and various other things. For example , fit bits, smart watches, smart cities etc..
3. Block chain
It Is basically breaking an information into blocks to be provided frm A to B , which is verified by millions of computers. It's example is Uber, like in Uber , you just need to provide the address where you want to go, and with it's help , you get a perfectly safe way, along with eliminating the need for the match - making platform..
4. Cloud computing.
It is on - demand technology which is mainly used for data storage computing Power without direct management by the user . You may have heard or even used Google cloud and have stored important data in it for security reasons.
5. Virtual reality and augmented reality.
Virtual reality means a complete immersion into a world which shuts down the physical world and because of which users can experience many different imagined environments . For example .. an ocean , the user being in his dream location or playing counterstrike through vfx.
Augmented reality means bringing the digital elements to a live view mainly using camera on phones. It's examples are B612 filters ( photo editing apps) , and games Pokemon go..
Ripened flowers have started to emanate fragrance now. Similarly,we all will agree with the fact that digital revolution has led to innumerable innovations in technology now. Some key trends that are creating a buzz throughout are -
1. *Blockchain*- It offers robust security to protect business transactions.
It is use in auditing,stock trading,smart contracts,information sharing etc
2. *Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)*- It offers improvement in overall business intelligence. It is used in start-ups to large scale enterprises and companies.
4. *Conversational interface and design*- It offers integrated experiences. It is used as personal assistant,customer service executive.
5. *Robotic process automation (ROP)* - It offers overall manufacturing and telecommunications of a company. It is used in field such as medical,food and beverage and act as a benefactor to millions differently-able-persons also.
6. *Augmented reality and virtual reality*- It offers in creating visual experiences. It is used to create fake models and helps in health care too.
Industrial technologies in trend
With the fast Changing world in which we live, we have everything at our fingertips . We expect more from technology each day and we don't really realize how easily we are incorporating them in our day to day lives. The industrial technologies which are trending in 2019 are listed below.
Artificial intelligence
It is incorporating all the human intelligence in computers and expecting them to work as humans. It is basically expecting the machines to do all our tasks more efficiently. The need of AI is felt not only in the fields of industries but medicine, education etc. The major examples are Siri, Tesla and Alexa..
2. IOT
It is also known as internet of everything wheere in devices are connected to each other through internet and enables to transfer data and various other things. For example , fit bits, smart watches, smart cities etc..
3. Block chain
It Is basically breaking an information into blocks to be provided frm A to B , which is verified by millions of computers. It's example is Uber, like in Uber , you just need to provide the address where you want to go, and with it's help , you get a perfectly safe way, along with eliminating the need for the match - making platform..
4. Cloud computing.
It is on - demand technology which is mainly used for data storage computing Power without direct management by the user . You may have heard or even used Google cloud and have stored important data in it for security reasons.
5. Virtual reality and augmented reality.
Virtual reality means a complete immersion into a world which shuts down the physical world and because of which users can experience many different imagined environments . For example .. an ocean , the user being in his dream location or playing counterstrike through vfx.
Augmented reality means bringing the digital elements to a live view mainly using camera on phones. It's examples are B612 filters ( photo editing apps) , and games Pokemon go..
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